traditional cheese products

Our Philosophy

"Our philosophy is blending tradition and innovation"
Greece is more a country of tradition than of innovation. The idea is simple; to add value to traditional products by incorporating innovative technologies.
Our tradition in food sector is part of our country and an important value at many levels.
Our philosophy is that incorporating technologies into traditional foods - such as P.D.O. cheeses - helps to continue the existence of the primary sources of traditional cheese-making, such as by strengthening of herds and stockbreeders stay, especially at mountain pastures.


Production takes place in perfectly modern cheese production facilities in the area of Amfilochia, which are fully equipped for both production and control. Facilities, production processes and milk zones allow the cheese factory to produce PDO cheeses.
The production unit is ISO and HACCP certified.
Quality control is carried out by qualified scientific staff.
Milk from sheep and goats comes from mountain pastures and is of excellent quality. It is tested upon receipt.

all our products are exclusively produced using mountain-pasture sheep and goat milk

certified production

raw materials
mountain-pasture sheep and goat milk

Flavour innovation
blend of new and traditional products